My mom just sent me a link to an article about this fantastic thesis project by architecture student Hank Butitta, who renovated a school bus into a mobile studio / living space in just 15 weeks!
In the video above, Hank makes the curious comment that, “I didn’t have time to focus on anything but the physical construction of the bus. I was so busy with figuring out how the systems would all come together that I didn’t have time to address the issues that the bus raises.” Wondering what those issues might be, I wandered over to his travel blog, where I discovered what I think are some of them (either in his own, or others’ comments) – namely weight (all the added wood used in the construction was difficult to haul up inclines), MPG’s (10), not rounding off edges of the interior woodwork to account for movement and slender passageways, &c… all useful notes for my own project.
Anyway, I love that Hank & his friends have “test[ed] the functionality of the bus” by taking a month-long, 5,000 mile road trip across the country & back with friends & family. Already, this is an incredibly inspirational project and the modular design of the built-ins is a personal fave.